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Astolfo-kun • 1 year ago

Mr.Jean is such a great character. But that vessel was dumb to ignore the inspections, being patient is worth it to protect lives. Finally seeing Falma use his magic again and it's still powerful as the first time we saw it

BniX • 1 year ago

Really like Jean-san's chill grandpa like attitude...

He seems like a great person to hangout with

He better received a ship of candies.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Mr jean their regular customer and is actually a pirate captain woah I did not expected that and the people that used their strength to build the parallel world pharmacy is the same guys with Mr jean

Adur • 1 year ago

He is not a pirate. He works for the Imperial Fleet.

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

he only did it for the candy!

Dragnorock • 1 year ago

Jean: ( I have slept with so many women... Time for game face.) EVERYONE LISTEN TO MY GRANDSON OR SINK TO THE DEPTHS!!!

Dude was uber sus to me until this point in the manga. Glad I was wrong about him. Became a favorite. Hell I do not even remember the name of Farma's family.

Kirito • 1 year ago

I knew something was fishy about that old man that keeps coming to their parallel world pharmacy even when they started that

enter name here • 1 year ago

Was I the only one who thought he was up to no good at the start of the show? I thought he was gonna turn into a villain for Farma

Satoshi Ookami • 1 year ago

I actually had the same thought :D
I thought he belonged to the guild initially.
Boy, am I glad he became such a great Jii-san.

he was suspicious specially when talking to some people who seem to be high ranking I think it's to hide the fact that he was the captain.

Eldershield • 1 year ago

Yeah he was prolly inspecting the place either by order of the empress or to see for himself if this kid was fully trustworthy

Kirito • 1 year ago

I thought he would be an important character later and here he is now

K boy • 1 year ago

I mean that's what everyone thought he was hella sus πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I thought he was some kind of spy or something but glad I was wrong though πŸ™‚

Time. • 1 year ago

It always enjoyable to see Falma magic in action!

Kirito • 1 year ago

That big ice surrounding tye city was amazing it made the people listen to falma

Meiyo • 1 year ago

Well... look what happened during the COVID pandemic...

Captain trips • 1 year ago

COVID was a joke compared to black death. Even if you count the highly inflated covid deaths it's not even close

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

The concept is the same. The people who were carriers who refused to quarantine or be negative before going places (the sailors) screwed everyone else over (the village).

Basically anyone with common sense or a medical degree (I'm a nurse) knew to stay indoors until a vaccination was readily available to reduce the degree of spreading covid.

Refer to France. They are the village in the current episode. The hospitals got overwhelmed and there was no medicine because they were the first victims. As soon as they enacted lock downs the spread was decreased significantly. While those that snuck out continued to pass covid to people.

It's almost like a lot of the shows knowledge and comparison to real life examples are based on actual science! /s

But anti-vaccinators gonna be like them dead sailors. It's ironic when the leader of anti-vaccination died from covid due to not having the benefits of the vaccination.

People are spoiled brats today. If people started falling ill and dying back then you know what they did? The Inquisition would lock the whole city down and basically burn everyone alive. Which may sound cruel but actually was a solid plan as most microbes can be killed by fire and a dead corpse can't spread diseases if it turns to ashes.

Captain trips • 1 year ago

Bruh, it's the plague, not the pitiful coronavirus. Stop with the comparisons you should know better since you're in the medical field.
t, biologist-kun

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

The plague was more pitiful than covid in 2019. One had a vaccination the other you just had to pray your body and genetics were able to overcome covid symptoms and not require a ventilator. You laugh at covid today because modern medicine has made it so your odds of dying are low. But the people in the 1400s and 1700s wouldnt be laughing at the plague like I would in 2022. You laugh at covid but medieval people would have been f*cked faster than rats spreading the plague. covid was contagious by air droplets and touching anything. So the transmission would be exponential if you compared it to rats. the act of walking past a guy with covid meant you could get it. The plague required you to actually touch their bodily fluids, get coughed on or sneezed on. you wouldnt get the plague just walking by them. Keeping in mind back than you didnt have the airplane to also transfer the disease and infect someone else halfway across the earth on a different continent. Even a child playing plague inc has a better grasp than you do.

Guest • 1 year ago
MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

You cannot catch a virus? What the f*ck are you talking about? Did you drop out of school? The flu is literally a common virus. You dont inject the flu into your body. You are thinking of flu vaccines which come in two forms the attentuated and the unattenuated. One includes a weakened strain of virus. The point is to give your body time to produce enough specialized white blood cells to fight off the virus and have it remember the DNA for next time the same thing happens your body will be ready.

Viruses and bacteria are everywhere, in the air, dirt, water, on your skin. When you catch a cold. Your body's immune system is weakened allowing the virus to multiply normally your body is fighting off viruses and bacteria 24/7 you only get sick when they are overwhelmed.

Fun fact there is a f*cking bacteria in your gut called c difficile. Its a bacteria kept in check by good bacteria. When you get a serious infection and take antibiotics this bacteria grows because you kill off the good bacteria in your gut and many people get c. diff. In before your dumb a** says people inject bacteria too!

Back to viruses and idea the only way to get a virus is to inject it. Let me invalidate your whole claim with one counter example. If you got f*cking sick as a kid. You got a virus. And dont you tell me you never got sick once in your life because we all know you're lying. Think Mark. Think! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

You can get sick as a kid from 3 different ways that does not include getting a injection.

coughs or sneezes from an infected person. Touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, mouth, or nose with contaminated hands including ingestion. Sharing saliva through kissing or sharing drinks. And skin to skin contact, refer to touching contaminated surface.

The reason people compare the flu and covid is because they essentially are the same. Covid happens to be more contagious than its similar counterpart.

Jerome W Bison • 1 year ago

Wow!!! Did they just go FULL LOON with the 5G radiation!?!!

Sooo, who is gonna tell him we are bombarded with Cosmic radiation since before they were born.

And side note: They think Tiffany Dover is dead from the Covid vaccine.

She's very much alive.

SynCloud • 1 year ago

You have no proof she’s alive. None at all

Jerome W Bison • 1 year ago

By this very same logic, the same can be said of your claim otherwise.

Be that as it may, she's very much alive and I seen the interview. I would tell you where to look.

But your version of reality maybe shattered by it.

Kuriyama Nikki • 1 year ago

Bruh, get a job. Idk how to react to your stupid bullshit. Its nothing about 5G shite or something.

Its the freaking illuminati. They go around the globe bumping onto people on the street while secretly injected them with the virus, thats how it all started bruh. It was all part of a larger conspiracy, in preparation for the second coming Hitler they want to turn everyone into a super neo nazi extremists. And how could they do that? Brainwashing of course.

First, they created the virus and send their envoys around the globe to spread it like I mentioned previously. Then, in response to this pandemic, the governments will develop a vaccine to counter the virus. In reality, the illuminati have already develop this vaccine and they secretly leak the formula to these developers. Unbeknownst to us all, the vaccine formula contain one chemical ingredient that can be use to brainwash people. If you check on google trends, you can see the interest on the nazism is increasing steadily over the last year as more and more people got vaccinated.

What kind of world are they envisioned? so far, we've only limited information on that and we can only guess. Only time will tell what this world will turn out to be. But one thing is for sure, the second coming of Hitler is near, and the illuminati is on the move.

vio • 1 year ago

doesn't matter if what she wrote is a comparison or not. The main thing is the first two paragraphs in that comment is a fact. We have to many dumb people around who don't care about others and still went about their daily lives like usual. Not to mention the people who even went into supermarkets and opened bottles of drink, backwashing them and tightening the lid up so it would be sold to others as bottled covid. I understand the reasoning for some of those people because of financial difficulty and the potential for losing their business but there were many who did it because they were bored. They just wanted to be outside, or they took what the backseat wanabe experts were saying online as fact and assumed they were safe.

Aaron • 1 year ago

The problem was that it was treated by politicians as a political issue rather than it just being a medical issue.

"X did this wrong, and I'll do it better."
"Well, if you don't get this thing shoved in your arm, we'll force you out of work."

If it had stayed a medical issue and not something they used for political clout, I'm sure a lot more people would have been receptive to the measures needed for containing it.

I don't really blame people for not trusting shit. I blame the Government for being so flagrant in their duty to put people at EASE and earn the people's trust, and make so many people distrust them to the point they'd rather spread a disease over listening to them.

WHY DO YOU THINK FARMA TOOK OFF HIS MASK TO GAIN THE TRUST OF THE PEOPLE?? It's not just a physicians job to treat patients. You also have a responsibility to calm them and gain their trust, so you CAN treat them. That's like, the whole point of that scene and the microscope scene when he was treating the Queen.

Also, I'd like to point out:
You still got it while wearing masks
You still got it after getting the vaccine
You still got it after getting booster 1
You still got it after getting booster 2
(I would know, I've followed it all to a T and still have gotten it.)
If each step was supposed to stop it in its tracks, and none of them did, why are we STILL going back to the ineffectual first step? There are still lots of places mandating masks.. at this point, it's about trying not to look stupid and incompetent because they couldn't contain a virus they SWORE they could, and has nothing to do with actual science and medicine.

But yeah, I totally trust them this time for sure with booster 3. /s
It's fucking ridiculous. And you don't have to be anti-science or anti-medicine to see that.

dre • 1 year ago

Its not even the politics thing, although I'm sure that didn't help any. You guys are all focusing on the trees and ignoring the forest. Everything in life is risk management. If my risk of dying in a car accident is higher than dying from covid then why should I ruin my life? If your risk of dying is 10% then you should stay locked up in your house and cry yourself to sleep every night and leave me and every normal healthy person out of it. You don't see everyone locking themselves up in their house because dude down the street with AIDS might get sick and die. Because that would be stupid. Don't want to get sick? Then don't go out. Its not anti-science to understand risk management. Its anti-science to look at a <0.03% fatality rate and say we have to shut society down for the next decade.

For 90% of the population its the flu. You going to ruin people's lives by preventing them from working, putting small business owners out of business so that you can do what? Stop 0.03% of people from dying from the flu? People die from the flu every year and no one gives a single shit. The only difference between this and the flu people deal with every year is that this stuff is going to infect everyone and not just 20% of the pop which is the only reason the fatality numbers are bigger. The only reason you don't have a million people dying from covid this year is that all the vulnerable people have pretty much died out already. If they had lived in a bubble for 3 years and then went out in to the world they're still going to die of it because they're vulnerable.

Also, its the flu. No shit people are going to get reinfected. Its the flu. I don't get what people fail to understand about this. Its the flu. It does what the flu has been doing for the last few thousand years of documented human history.

All the bullshit propaganda about wearing masks and going on lockdowns isn't going to do jack to stop people from getting it. There is one huge outcome of that and it isn't stopping the spread of covid. Its ruining the economy and many people's abilities to feed their families. And then to make everything even better here in the US the government printed a crapload of cash and dumped it on everyone to further ruin the economy. It isn't like any of this is a surprise either, unless you're a complete moron and don't understand anything about how the economy, society, or being a human in life works. We're in for a massive shitstorm of an economy that has only just started because of all the idiocy that people are buying in to and allowing from the gov.

Want to know its all bullshit? Just look at what big daddy gov does when they aren't giving press conferences. Ignoring all of the rules they tell you to follow. Because they know its all garbage.

Buckle up boys because its going to be a bumpy ride for the next few years.

Bittersweet Revenge • 1 year ago

This is based

Uselesslegs • 1 year ago

As it continued to mutate, of course it was going to be less effective in staving off getting it. But what those vaccination did do, even with people who only got a one or two dose treatment, was decrease the severity of the illness, even among those most at risk, compared to at risk who didn't. This also includes healthy people. While you still had at risk of people going to hospitals for serious or critical illness, even among the vaccinated, those numbers were notably lower, as a whole, among the at risk and healthy who were vaccinated....and this also included those who got re-infections.

The science is indisputable at this point.

i_like_trains • 1 year ago

You mean science like the Pfizer internal study that got published, which put vaccine efficacy at 12% for the first week after the shot and around 1% afterwards?
That science?

Eldershield • 1 year ago

I mean nothing could bro will stop covid in its tracks, all the measures taken was to notch down how dangerous it is, the masks to reduce the infections per day, while the vaccine is for our body to have better defenses against it when you do get that illness, covid won’t disappear it will just stop being a pandemic and a mortal disease

Zypperh • 1 year ago

A woman with covid19, when she learnt she was contaminated went to a supermarket and coughed on the fruits and legumes... I mean it's not just being bored, it's being evil and it's the mentality "if I fall I will not be the only one"

i_like_trains • 1 year ago

'member when Trump wanted to close to border and restrict travel to
and from China in January 2020 and the media and all the other politicians (in the US and Europe) called him racist and stupid for thinking the
'rona is a big deal?

'member when they then went on to celebrate Chinese New Year in the US and tried to make "hug an Asian day" a thing in Italy? You know, to oppose the evil racist.

'member when leftists called Trump a lunatic for giving the pharma companies the abilities to release the vaccine as fast as they did and proudly declared they would never use such an untested drug and all the stupid MAGA people would die from the "Trump vaccine"?
'member when they then did a 180Β° the second another dude was voted, even though this one had nothing to do with the vaccine?

'cuz I 'member. :)

vio • 1 year ago

In all honesty, no cos I'm not American so what mostly happened in the US didnt matter to me. What I did see from Trump at that time was his escapades in regard to TikTok and his bullying of a Chinese company to get the storage of US data at a fraction of the price. It was a good move from a business point of view, but it was poor timing considering the assaults to Chinese people on US soil and it was also a pot kettle black moment regarding spying on people in general since the US has been doing it a lot longer. There is even a rumour floating around that they made an example of Zuckerberg in the courts because he rejected their request to put a backdoor on Facebook so they could monitor people. Then we had the pressure from the US basically antagonising China even further in regard to the South China Sea of which it seems like Trump was pushing for military action which could have escalated things even further then they did. To put it mildly, we were lucky it was only Russia looking for war and not China too.

i_like_trains • 1 year ago

>implying going against the Chinese spyware app is a bad thing
lol k

Yeah I 'member the attacks against Chinese people, I also 'member the media dropping that story like a hot potato, once it turned a ridiculous percentage, if not the majority, of perpetrators were black. lol

Yeah, the alphabet agencies have been spying on people for decades. It is known. Funny however that it only ever becomes a "problem" when the Republicans are in power.
Also they were never in good standing with Trump, so this can hardly be blamed on him.

Are you seriously implying, Russia attacking is Trump's fault. Even if was out of the office for more than a year at that point?
Also, China is stupid, yes, but I highly doubt they are stupid enough to declare war on their biggest trading partner.

CptDeadpool • 1 year ago

Like you said you're a nurse, not a doctor and definitely not an epidemiologist. Covid was only deadly to the old, terminally ill, ppl with co morbidities, and apparently the suicidal and ppl that can't drive. Even the vaccines don't stop the spread, even with the 20 boosters. Also given the spread and deaths of the black plague and the Spanish flu which killed 10s to hundreds of millions, yeah, but they would have ignored this, also seeing you blame so called anti vax ppl makes me think you're lying about being a nurse, or you'd know the vax doesn't stop shit. Also vax didnt come out till the end of 2020.

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

"Covid was only deadly to the old, terminally ill, ppl with comorbidities" please tell that to all the babies, young kids and young adults in their 18-30s that died. What does not being able to drive have to do with dying to covid? Are you mental?

I will do my best to answer your other dumb counter examples.

they did not ignore the spanish flu. They didnt have a vaccination out for it yet. The best they could do was isolate the sick. It was such a huge problem that it made two sides at war literally agree to a cease fire. What are you smoking bruh?

The scientific community did NOT IGNORE The black plague and spanish flu the people couldnt do anything because to do anything you required to get a sample of the virus or bacteria and Isolate the strain and take time to develop a vaccine. This takes months if not years... what Farma did in the anime is not realistic, he already had an idea of the diseases/medical knowledge prior which again would have taken weeks, months, years to study.

Idk how many people I have to educate on this but vaccinations DO NOT make it 100% not transmissible. The main purpose of the vaccination is the reduce the degree that it can spread.

Trivia question: Basic math here.
A) 1 sick person who wil lead to infecting 10 others.
B) 1 sick person who will lead to infecting 100 others.
C) 1 sick person who will lead to infection 1000 others.
D) 1 sick person who will lead to infecting 10000 others.

I made my point. You picked A) right? If not I suspect math and intelligence are on the lower spectrum of the scale...

You can still get sick you can still spread it. BUT Guess what. KEY WORD: YOU WILL NOT DIE WHEN YOU GET SICK. The vaccination reduces side effects and prevents your friends, community and neighbors from dying.

Here is an example of why someone would get vaccination.

You get vaccination. You get sick, but you live.
Someone who doesnt have a vaccination. Gets sicks. May or may not die, but higher odds they might die compared to someone with a vaccination.
Someone who is vaccinated. May or may not get sick. Vaccination makes it so your body has better odds of fighting off the sickness before even symptoms occur. To have severe symptoms it means your body lost the initial fight and is beginning phase 2 of the fight to get better (fevers, diarrhea, etc)

With bacteria and viruses they mutate over time, (we called them variants) making the vaccination Keyword: LESS effective. But someone with a less effective form of vaccine will certainly still fare better than someone who does not have the vaccination.

Eldershield • 1 year ago

Yeah vaccines don’t stop illnesses they just prepare your body more to fight that illness, we can’t stop illnesses from spreading just control how much they spread while also downgrading the danger they possess, covid wont disappear but it will eventually stop being such a dangerous disease, idk why people don’t understand shit like this when there is a bunch of info out there and history that teaches this

Kubey • 1 year ago

The vaccines not preventing illness to a high degree was a result of the many mutations that followed due to the extremely fast and wide spread of the virus. For the first variations, it was highly effective.

Miss Tea • 1 year ago

"People are spoiled brats today" THIS, I'm sorry that you had to waste time of your life to explain such basic shit to these people, death is death, 25 million, 6 million, an innocent life was lost because jackasses didn't care enough and even now almost 3 years after covid started we still have to take them by their hands and lead them like they're 5yo

TopAccount • 1 year ago

Buddy, the hospitals in France are always overwhelmed it has nothing to do with COVID but the lack of medical workers and removal of medical beds. Every year (and way before covid mind you) the government is cutting more and more of hospitals budget and then people are wondering why it got so bad.

KFA • 1 year ago

Y--e-ah... but initially the doctors drilled holes in heads as a treatment to let the evil spirit escape from head. And there was this whole good blood / bad blood theory. The practice was fatal.

So it makes sense that people back then trusted medicine a lot less and these sailors actually had a valid excuse (anime clearly states that such disease is legendary, even mythical). Anti-vaxers today don't have an excuse, though if medicine only cures 99% then some people might want to take fate to their own hands (imagine if the rate was only 50% or lower and it wasn't necessarily fatal, what would you do?), again, trusting their judgement more than current science.

Can't blame them but that's basically how life on Earth evolved and diversified in the first place, might as well be in the genes.

The thing is though, that people KNOW that people behave like this. So it really was more of a lack of planning in advance to prevent spreading in case of infection and until cure was found/developed.

Zypperh • 1 year ago

You're wrong on one thing, the "vaccine" (which is not like a traditional vaccine hence the ""), only prevented people from having the worst possible symptoms of covid19 and not prevent contamination. "Vaccinated" people were still able to spread the virus.

Oltu KebabΔ± • 1 year ago

Well, Covid-19 was a special human-made virus made in Chinese laboratories and financed by USA. They are specifically made so "vaccines" aren't exactly "destroy" the virus. And it is made to mutate really fast. My mother has heart deficiency, she was fully vaccinated, got the covid but survived without suffering. Covid is particularly dangerous to the people who has heart diseases because one of the two most crucial organs virus targets is the heart.

As Zyppeth said, covid vaccines made so people won't suffer, it wasn't to destroy or contain the plague.

i_like_trains • 1 year ago

Except that was how they were advertised in the beginning. By the companies, the media and the politicians.
Pretty sure Pfizer never even bothered to delete the tweet, where they say it prevents infection.

Only when they did exactly jack to stop the spread did the script flip to the whole "nonono u guyz it was just about not getting it quite so bad not about preventing you from getting it".

Solomon Whyman • 1 year ago

Your ignorance is to be expected given where you got your (mis)information.

Perhaps you should take the time to do your due diligence as to the latest findings which unequivocally vindicate the "anti-vaxxers"

Kirito • 1 year ago

I love quarantine